Scholarships- CLOSED FOR 2024

Please visit us again in 2025.

We are offering SIX-$1,200 scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year. 


  • Texas A&M Students attending College Station & Galveston campuses
  • Open to rising sophomores, juniors and seniors
  • Open to Graduate students not receiving University funding.
  • Scholarship is open to any student whose home zip code is the same as one of the dues paying members of the Chicago Area Aggie Moms Club.  Please see application for eligible zip codes.
  • Since these scholarships are only offered to our local Aggies, they do not fall under “competitive scholarships” and do not count towards funds needed in competitive scholarships for the out-of-state tuition waiver.


  • Application opens May 30 and closes June 30
  • A separate selection committee of moms that do not have Aggies applying for the scholarships, will review the applications and select the recipients.
  • There are 2 forms for you to complete.  The Scholarship Application and a TAMU ID to Name form (will not be viewable by the selection committee).
  • Funds will be disbursed through your HOWDY portal account in August


  • Chosen by a selection committee of moms whose Aggies are not applying
  • Recipients will be notified late July

Please complete both:

Form 1- Scholarship Application

Form 2- TAMU UIN Identifier Form